Originally a 45Ah battery pack, later changed to 50Ah designed to fit into my standard go-kit box size. In fact a battery was the first thing I tried to design into one of these cases that sparked buying a lot more for the other go kits!
Also includes an HCX-D596V1LF04S90A-01 BMS and a Genasun GVB-8 charge controller.
Version 1 used 40152S cells, 12 of them in 4s3p setup. Trying to fit a BMS, charge controller and homemade power in/out monitoring board proved impossible due to the size of the cells. This setup has been combined with another 40152S 4s1p pack to make a 4s4p 60Ah battery in my shed with the original Genasun GV-10 charge controller and a 60A BMS board.
Browsing around the internet I came across 50Ah sqaure cells (originally a different brand but these are the ones that eventually arrived at my door!) and upon checking dimensions several times (to be sure this time) I reckoned I could fit 4 of these into my standard case with room to spare on both sides for the additional items I needed to make it a fully functional "Solar Generator" (though I'm not fond of that term, it doesn't generate solar!).
At the moment the entire setup is strapped together with some kapton tape but I intend to 3D print a panel for each side to mount the PowerPole connectors into which should also hold the top of the cells in place. I may print some inserts for the bottom to hold the cells and other parts in place and get rid of the foam padding.
The left side has the Genasun charge controller with two connections with yellow shells to designate solar panel inputs.
The right side has the BMS with 4 PowerPole outlets, 2 45A connectors with heavy 6mm2 wire and 2 30A connectors with lighter 2.5mm2 wire. This BMS also has an On/Off switch.